This part talks about what effect this water has on atomic wastes. ...................................................................... ...................................................................... Question: (Could not be heard on the tape) Drunvalo: I can't... I can't tell you yet. They won't let me. I can't. But it's too great! (laughter) This is too good! Governments Are Doing Tests So we're now, all of the... right now, Ru-sia and 8 other major countries of the world, are now doing major research on this all over. They're, all over the world, secretly putting this in polluted lakes and rivers... that are just... pfttt... going clean right before our eyes. It is just amazing. You can take a bay, like San Francisco bay, and in 4 days you will able to see 60 feet into the water, as though you were looking through water like this (Ed: Held up a glass of drinking water). And in two months, it will go all the way down even into the deep yucky sediment below and turn it into proteins and amino acids and be crystal clear and clean. In two months! And this is where we are at. This is really real. It's incredible! (Clapping and cheering) The Water Will Be Allowed to Be Released What is even greater is that the world's governments are going to allow this to happen! (Clapping and cheering) Right before I was speaking, I was talking to the United S-tes Air Force, that could stop something like this very quickly for different reasons. They want it to happen! They want this to come out! And so, the various countries that we are talking to around the world. The United Na-ons is involved with this also. Nobody can believe it. They don't know what to say about it. It's a miracle, a planetary miracle happening right before us, right now! Question: When? Drunvalo: It's... (laughter) happening. Right now, Turkey was so excited about this as a country that they built a 48 million-dollar installation to create this water. And they can now ship 100,000 tons of it a day anywhere in the world and they are preparing to do this. The countries now all over that we are talking to, and want to be involved, they are looking at it, they are cautiously wanting it, but they don't know how to proceed because nobody can explain it (laughter). No chemist in the world can explain how this is doing this. You can't take oil and water and mix them together. Oil and water don't mix. But super-ionized water does. It mixes instantaneously. So, something new has emerged on the earth. And this is really important I feel because as you all know, I am deeply connected with the [Talsi (???)] Indians and the Hopi Indians and the Hopi prophecy. And the Hopi prophecy says that right before we move into the next level, to the fifth world from their point of view, the fourth dimension from our point of view, they talk about how the whole world comes clean and clear the way it was thousands and thousands of years ago. The oceans, the rivers, the skies, everything. And we will have this clean world. And it is the seeing of this world going clean, in a very rapid period of time that inspires the world to let go of their pain and all that they have... (Clapping and cheering) The Word Must Go Out And so, after having said that, there are certain corporations in this world that are aware of this that don't want to see this happen. Mostly oil companies, and I can't tell you why (laughter) but we can't let this go from our memory. Do all of the research you can. The name of the company that is forming this is called Perfect Sc-nce out of Istanbul Tur-ey. The man's name is Ihan Doyuk. I... H... A... N... His last name is D... O...Y... U... K..., Doyuk. Question: Is he on the Internet? Drunvalo: He is not on the Internet. He is just a humble, little beautiful person that has discovered something that he is giving to the world. He is not truly a scientist, he is Sufi! But he's now put on a suit, he's working with the governments of the world, and he's attempting to bring this out to the world. It will come out because, what you are really looking at is a very very high level of consciousness emerging from this water. The Sufis themselves, when they talk about it, they won't talk about it as "the water". He talks about it "he moves through the chemical reactions", "he does this", and "he does that". He is referring to the nature of the consciousness in the water. This is the beginning of what I knew would take place. I am very honored to be able to bring this to you. I really, really am. (Clapping, cheering, whistling) The Baptism of the Planet Do you know that baptism, in the Chr-stian way of seeing baptism, you can only be baptized once, and it removes all sins. After that, you have to deal with each sin on your own (laughter). That is the fun part. We are about to see the same thing. Over the next twelve months, fourteen months or so, we are going to see the world go clean... and it is going to be like baptism of the whole world. And then, from then on end, our responsibility will be every time we do something, we will have to remember who we are, and where we came from, and what this is really all about, which is love. It is not about hate and anger and fear. And so... Question: Can you use it in the cars? Drunvalo: Can you use it in your cars? I can't answer that. (laughter) Probably most of the things you will ask me I will probably have to give the same answer. They have really restricted me because this thing is like a miracle. It does so m... Everything it comes in contact with, everything, it turns it around, and turns it into a positive situation, and creates something that is positive for the world. It is a consciousness alive in water. Question: Can you buy it? Drunvalo: Can you buy it? It is not for sale yet. But some day perhaps. Right now this is a governmental level thing that is going on. It really is up to the world's governments whether or not they will let this out or not. We are working with Australia, we are going to do Australia and clean up Sydney harbor and all of this stuff. We are now renegotiating with that government how to do that. We are going to renegotiate with all of our contracts in the world that we... Instead of using waveforms we are going to directly in... To clean the bay, all we do is just spray the bay with this water and wait two months. That it is all over. Same thing with rivers and lakes and everything else. I wish I could tell you the rest (laughter), but I can't. So, if there is any... I'll take about two or three more questions if you can yell them out. Question: What does it do to human bodies? Drunvalo: I can't tell you about that one (laughter). But that might be the most interesting one of all. Question: Does it apply to nuclear waste? Drunvalo: Yes it does (clapping and a collective sigh of relief). It appears to deal with almost everything. There are certain problems that they have not tested or are not sure of. The Turkish government is being very conservative in saying, "This should heal at least 70-80% of all the pollution problems in the world". They are being conservative on this. And so, what this is going to do is buy us time. Because, I can tell you this right now, the world banks, and the people who are in charge know, that if this water had not come along, if something like this had not come along, we only have less than 3 years left on this planet. All life would be gone. (Ed: I believe it is related to the oxygen levels of the planet going down to a point where life cannot be sustained) And they know this, and they are preparing for it. And now everything is changing. We do not know how much time we've bought, but we've bought a lot. And what it is really, G-d is present. Go- has always been here, he has never left us, he has always been with us, and we are the ones which have forgotten -od. And G-d is now about to make himself or herself very obvious. (clapping and cheering) (End of talk) Transcriber's Notes Request to the reader: After reading this, you can probably appreciate what a gift humanity is being given. As you can imagine, some people and companies have much to lose. If this message gets out to enough people, then perhaps governments will not try to suppress and delay this wonderful gift. Pass the message on to as many friends and interested parties as possible. One person cannot easily change the world but a whole bunch of us can! Do your part in helping to clean up the planet. Notes: Drunvalo Melchezidek gave this talk on May 1st '99 at the Wesak '99 celebration help at Mount Shasta. Dr. Joshua David Stone organizes this annual conference ( The next day, Drunvalo Melchezidek gave a second lecture on 5 other phenomenons that have been happening. Both lectures were such a message of hope for humanity that I felt the need to spread the word to all. A transcription of both talks are available at the Transformacomm Web site ( in both HTML and TXT (ASCII) formats. It also contains links to related web sites as well as the latest news about the water that I am aware of. For those at work, take note that some pages have music on them. The actual tapes from these lectures are available through the company that recorded the entire conference, Rainstar Designs (, email Drunvalo's is the author of the recently released The Ancient Secret of the Flower of Life and his personal web site is This tape was transcribed to the best of my ability. Please forgive any misspelled names or words as well as any typos. Passages that I am still unsure of are marked as "[Unsure text (???)]". I have added the headings myself to make finding the information a bit easier. In a few places, clarifications have been inserted with the mention (Ed:). The summary at the beginning was inspired by a summary that was forwarded to me by a friend. I thank the author Jalien, wherever and whoever you are. This page was last updated June 28, 1999 In Lakech Warmest regards, Constance Demby >;;*;;<<@>>;;*;;<<@>>;;*;;<<@>> email us your snail mail address for a brochure on the music Sound Currents 2461 Santa Monica Blvd, Suite 434 Santa Monica, CA 90404 310 712 5469 vm Part D of D. John Winston.